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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Latin American Clean Water Initiative

    The Latin American Clean Water Initiative seeks to facilitate sustainable water solutions and improve the health and well being of individuals living in extreme poverty in 13 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The project seeks to: 1) Provide access to potable water and sanitation systems, 2) Improve sustainable water supplies for productive activities and train individuals to manage the water systems effectively, and 3) Offer educational workshops in water conservation, hygiene and water-related illnesses.

    The program will be implemented in 13 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. The partner agencies are local private development organizations which are well respected in their fields and have extensive expertise in installing water systems, providing water systems management training, and engaging beneficiary communities in the process by requiring active participation in construction and training activities. The Resource Foundation partners with local non-profit agencies because it believes that local solutions are highly sustainable and effective.

    The specific objectives of the proposed Latin American Clean Water Initiative include: 1) Construct complete and functioning potable water systems including taps, outdoor washbasins, water tanks, and latrines, etc. 2) Improve irrigation systems for farming and other productive purposes, 3) Improve degraded water systems, 4) Involve all beneficiary families in the construction and/or repairs of water systems, 5) Train beneficiary communities to manage and administer potable water and sanitations systems in order to ensure long-term sustainability, 6) Offer training in health issues related to water-borne illnesses, water resource management, and environmental conservation, 6) Monitor and evaluate program impact, 7) Share best practices for managing water resources at a seminar, and 8) Communicate impact to the public.


    The Resource Foundation (United States of America)

    Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina (Argentina)

    Centro para el Dearollo Social y Económico (Bolivia)

    Fundacion Origen (Chile)

    Servivienda (Colombia)

    Fundacion para el Desarollo de Base (Costa Rica)

    Mujeres en Desarrollo Dominicana (Dominican Republic)

    Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio (Ecuador)

    Asociación para la Organización y Educación Empresarial Femenina de El Salvador (El Salvador)

    Fundacion del Centavo (Guatemala)

    Agua Para el Pueblo (Honduras)

    Fundación Mexicana para el Desarrollo Rural (Mexico)

    Centro Andino de Education y Promoción (Peru)

    Centro al Servicio de la Acción Popular (Venezuela)

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    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 September 2009 (date of completion)
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