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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Land Alliances for National Development (LAND)

    Land Alliances for National Development, or LAND Partnerships, constitute a global initiative to alleviate rural poverty by strengthening country-level collaboration between state, civil society, bilateral and international stakeholders. This collaboration is needed to: a) achieve participatory dialogue; b) improve policy formulation; c) establish joint action to secure resource tenure for households with user rights; and d) increase access to land by the landless and near-landless.

    While the resource poor seek a more active role in decision-making, many governments are also recognizing the benefits of robust, stakeholder discussion and, in some cases, collective decision-making. In many countries, this requires new arenas and mechanisms for dialogue. LAND Partnerships respond to this challenge by helping countries to create new ways and means for both those affecting and those affected by decisions about land to work together. LAND Partnerships will help to widen participation, foster open debate and facilitate negotiation at both the national and the community levels.

    Furthermore, LAND Partnerships are a means to replicate the best practices learned in one community to other communities for wider benefit. Also, where scaling-up is accomplished, it may be more likely that this experience can be validated as a basis for national policy consideration. More importantly, LAND Partnerships are an opportunity for all parties to move from individual to collective roles, and thereby capture potential synergy.

    Since the launch in 2002, the Coalition has been actively promoting LAND in the over 35 countries where it has programmes. The initial goal is to establish LAND Partnerships in a geographically balanced range of pilot countries. These pilot LAND Partnerships are envisioned as focal points to stimulate extension of the concept into surrounding countries.

    LAND Partnerships will be developed in response to invitations from governments together with an expressed interest by civil society. The Coalition will support local implementation capacity for all stakeholders involved ¿ civil society, governments and intergovernmental partners. LAND Partnerships will build upon existing and emerging initiatives and activities.

    In addition, the Coalition's role will be to foster collaboration and the sharing of lessons with other countries in order to either launch LAND Partnerships in these countries, or to help create the conditions conducive to the subsequent establishment of LAND.


    Government of Australia - AusAID, Philippines

    Government of Canada - CIDA, Philippines

    Government of Germany - GTZ, Philippines

    Government of Guatemala - Ministry of Agriculture, FONTIERRAS

    Government of Indonesia - Department of Agriculture, Department of Forestry, National Land Agency

    Government of Japan - Embassy of Japan, Philippines

    Government of Netherlands - Ministry of Development Co-operation

    Government of Philippines - Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of Agriculture, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Bank, Land Registration Authority, National Economic Development Agency (NEDA), Secretariat of Philippines Council on Sustainable Develop

    Government of South Africa - Department of Agriculture, Department of Land Affairs

    Government of United States of America - USAID-NRM Program, Indonesia

    Major Groups:

    Asociacion Chajulense Val Vaq'Chujol (Guatemala)

    CIEDEG (Guatemala)

    CNOC (Guatemala)

    CNP Tierra (Guatemala)

    CODECA (Guatemala)

    CONGCOOP (Guatemala)

    Camara del Agro (Guatemala)

    Fundacion Toriello (Guatemala)

    MOVIMONDO (Guatemala)

    UJT (Guatemala)

    UVOC (Guatemala)

    Indonesian Farmers Association (Indonesia)

    Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (KPA) (Indonesia)

    NGO Working Group on Agrarian Reform (Indonesia)

    Pasundan Peasants Union (Indonesia)

    Working Group on Forest Land Tenure (Indonesia)

    World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) (Indonesia)

    AR Now! (Philippines)

    Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC) (Philippines)

    Center for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (CARRD) (Philippines)

    Filipino Farmers Union (FFF) (Philippines)

    KMP (Philippines)

    PAKISAMA (Philippines)

    PASCRES (Philippines)

    Peasants Education Studies Center (Philippines)

    PhilDHRRA (Philippines)

    Philippines Association for Intercultural Development (PAFID) (Philippines)

    Philippines Development Assistance Program (PDAP) (Philippines)

    Philippines Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM) (Philippines)

    Sustainability Watch Network (Philippines)

    Landless Peoples Movement (South Africa)

    National Land Committee (NLC) (South Africa)

    UN System:

    UN field offices (Guatemala, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa) (Guatemala)

    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) field offices (Guatemala, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa) (Guatemala)

    Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (Italy)

    International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) (Italy)

    World Food Programe (WFP) (Italy)

    Other intergovernmental organizations:

    The European Commission (Belgium)

    The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) (United States of America)

    World Bank Group (United States of America)


    International Land Coalition (Italy)

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    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    31 December 2022 (date of completion)
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