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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Institutional consolidation for systemic planning and management toward poverty alleviation and environmental conservation in a framework of sustainable regional development in the Hindu Kush, Karakorum, Himalaya mountain complex

    General Objective: to contribute to social and economic development of the populations of the Hindu Kush - Karakorum - Himalaya mountain complex and to the environmental conservation of the region by consolidating institutional capacity for systemic planning and management of the territory, focusing on:

    1. reduction of poverty

    2. conservation of biodiversity

    Specific Objective A: provide instruments (knowledge of the territory, the populations and the technologies for systemic data management) to facilitate the consistency of various national-level actions in area-based planning and management, within the framework of regional level systemic planning and monitoring.Specific Objective B: establish a process of application of the acquired capacities and Decision Support System (DSS) by individual countries in systemic planning and management of mountain areas at a local/national or transboundary level, within the framework of sustainable mountain development.Individual components of these objectives include:* Create a coordinated system for collection and analysis (monitoring) of natural resource data;* Provide decision makers of competent national and local administrations with an instrument (DSS) for systemic territorial planning and management;* Build local institutional capacity to study, analyze and manage natural resources, favoring local community involvement in these processes.


    Government of Italy - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGCS)

    Government of Afghanistan

    Government of Bangladesh

    Government of Bhutan

    Government of China

    Government of India

    Government of Myanmar

    Government of Nepal

    Government of Pakistan

    Major Groups:

    CESVI Cooperazione e Sviluppo (Italy)

    Inst.Naz. Di Fisica Nucleare/Prog.ARGO YBJ (Italy)

    Italian Nat'l Research Council (Italy)

    Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Tech (Nepal)

    Ev-K2-CNR Committee ()

    The Chinese Academy of Science ()

    UN System:

    FAO (Italy)

    UNEP (Thailand)

    Other intergovernmental organizations:

    IUCN (Switzerland)

    ICIMOD ()

    IUCN Asia's Himal Programme ()


    University of Brescia (Italy)

    University of Milan (Italy)

    University of Torino (Italy)

    University of Trieste (Italy)

    Kathmandu University (Nepal)

    Tribhuvan University (Nepal)

    University of Peshawar (Pakistan)

    University of Punjab (Pakistan)

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    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 January 2007 (date of completion)
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