The IFOAM Organic Development Mechanism (ODM)
IIFOAM will establish the ODM with a number of key partners with a track record in delivering initiatives and interventions that lead to improved sustainability, food and nutrition security and livelihoods. Partnerships will be established with farmer organizations, UN agencies, local governments, development organizations and businesses that require implementation partners. It will be initially based on projects and will evolve into programs as the concept is proven and partnerships and funds established. Training in a suite of locally appropriate ecological and social practices, systems and models that enhance the sustainability of value chains and which affordably and effectively empower stakeholders will form the backbone of the activities of the ODM. The ODM will be interface with IFOAM's other Rio+20 Voluntary Commitments (IGORN and SOAAN), which will identify and address research priorities of global importance to food security, poverty eradication and sustainability and continuously improve the sustainability of all aspects of Organic Agriculture through the development and dissemination of best practices. The ODM will be a key strategic tool for systematically facilitating all stakeholders to implement sustainable agriculture based livelihood and food security initiatives and to continuously improve the sustainability and performance of their existing food and farming systems.
Intercontinental Network of Organic Farmers Organizations (Global)
Biovision Africa Trust (Kenya)
Millennium Institute (United States of America)
Avalon Foundation (The Netherlands)
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) (Switzerland)
Institute for Sustainable Development (Ethiopia)
Others will follow
SDGS & Targets
SDG 14 targets covered
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress
Action Network

Geographical coverage
More information
Contact Information
Robert Jordan, Advocacy Manager