Higher Education on Sustainable Development (distant)
Since 2009, the UNDESA SIDS Unit and UCSIS - now including new member institutions the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the the University of Seychelles - has been implementing a project to establish a common Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platform through which UCSIS will deliver a masters degree programme in small islands sustainable development. UNESCO provides technical advice and support to the project, through UCSIS's status as a UNITWIN network. This endeavor is one of two components of the UNDESA project “Capacity Development through Education for Sustainable Development and Knowledge Management for Small Island Developing States (SIDS),” a follow-up project of the 2005 Mauritius International Meeting on further implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of SIDS, with Funds in Trust from the Government of the Kingdom of Spain. Together with the second component - the revitalization of SIDSNet, the project aims to establish solid foundations for capacity development for the sustainable development of SIDS through enhanced institutional, human resource, and technological capacities in the areas of knowledge management and education for sustainable development. <br />
Sponsor by Government of Spain
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