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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Green Industry Platform

    The Green Industry Platform is a global, high-level, multi-stakeholder partnership to catalyze, mobilize and mainstream action on Green Industry around the world. The Platform provides a framework which brings together governmental, business and civil society leaders around concrete commitments made to ‘green’ global manufacturing and create new green industries. By encouraging the more efficient use of energy and raw materials and promoting more environmentally sound modes of consumption and production, the Platform will contribute both to cleaner and more competitive industrial development, and will help reduce pollution and reliance on unsustainable use of natural resources.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Membership of the Platform is expressed through the signature of the ‘Statement of Support'. By signing onto the Platform, signatories indicate their public support for its objectives, their engagement to promote the Green Industry principles within their organizations and with others in the manner that they judge most appropriate, and to share information and ideas on their experiences and achievements.

    As outlined in the Statement of Support, the Platform's mission is to provide a framework that will inspire, empower and encourage members, individually and in groups, to take specific and measurable action to advance Green Industry in all countries and business organizations and at all levels.

    The Platform will facilitates development of a green industrial approach in a number of ways:
    • Informing: by sharing information on enabling conditions, best available technologies and practices and benefits, etc;
    • Networking: by assisting with introductions to possible investors, manufacturers, Green Industry specialists and other relevant stakeholders;
    • Strategizing: by offering advice on how to develop a strategic roadmap and possible policies, benefits, etc;
    • Convening: by providing assistance in convening meetings of relevant members and stakeholders on specific issues;
    • Researching: by offering assistance in identifying research and research providers.


    In the course of their participation, Platform members will make tools available for developing road maps to integrate Green Industry policies and practices in organizational strategies and business plans, share and profile best practices and drive forward technological development, application and innovation under the green industry initiative in order to move beyond ‘business as usual’.<br />
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    The Platform specifically facilitates capacity building and technology transfer, as well as the development of a range of joint initiatives amongst its members. In particular, the Platform will allow for different modes of interaction, such as:<br />
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    • Seeking opportunities to develop collective approaches, using synergies, strengths and skills of potential partner organizations; <br />
    • Participating in Platform working groups and initiatives to develop Green Industry ‘road maps’;<br />
    • Sharing data and resources to fill gaps in information on policies, technologies and other enabling conditions.<br />


    The Platform is a voluntary membership framework, linking participants by their shared commitment to advancing Green Industry through a common approach outlined in the Green Industry Platform ‘Statement of Support’. <br />
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    The Platform’s structure, thematic priorities, work programme and budget will be developed by an Advisory Board. The Advisory Board consists of two parts:<br />
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    a) An Executive Board, responsible for taking decisions on the overall direction, work plan, budget and governance of the Platform. This comprises the Director General of UNIDO and the Executive Director of UNEP. The Executive Board also includes a corporate Chief Executive Officer in an advisory role. <br />
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    b) An Advisory Board, responsible for developing and recommending the Platform’s focus, strategy and work plan. To ensure balanced, expert and diverse representation, the Board will initially consist of country representatives, private sector representatives and representatives from international and civil society organizations.<br />
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    As a signal of their commitment to the Platform, all members of the Advisory Board have Ministerial, Chief Executive, or equivalent high-level status and serve on the Board for a three-year term. <br />
    Primary secretariat services for the Platform will be provided by UNIDO and UNEP, with support from other UN partner bodies.<br />

    United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
    Key stakeholders at national and regional levels show consistent and concrete commitment toward, and awareness and application of, Green Industry principles and practices.
    Financing (in USD)
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    31 December 2014 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
    Vienna, Austria
    Contact Information

    Heinz Leuenberger, Director, Environmental Management Branch, UNIDO