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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Global Renewable Energy Islands Network (GREIN)

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
    The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) formed the Global Renewable Energy Islands Network (GREIN), a platform for islands to pool knowledge and share best practices. As a resource for knowledge dedicated to islands, GREIN unites IRENA and its partners in a single space dedicated to the exchange of practical discussion topics related to renewable energy such as roadmaps for deployment, power grid integration, resource assessment, tourism applications, desalination and waste-to-energy systems.

    By showcasing the business case for renewable energy technologies in a wide range of island settings, GREIN aims to spur more and more islands to invest in these technologies and accelerate their deployment.

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    GREIN will connect all partners through a single streamlined exchange platform. Interested parties, including IRENA Members, are invited to indicate interest in joining the GREIN network by contacting the IRENA Secretariat at They are also encouraged to assign focal points and identify areas of interest.

    Currently, GREIN's interest clusters include Roadmaps for Deployment, Desalination, Power Grid Integration, Waste-to-Energy Systems, Resource Assessment and Tourism. New clusters will be developed subject to expressions of interest from the GREIN membership.


    The principal vehicle for capacity building and technology transfer will be the GREIN web platform through which knowledge on renewable technology options is freely shared. Information shared will also be applied to efforts by IRENA and partners to build the capacities of islands for proper installation of renewable technologies on island buildings and power grids, for design of policies to promote deployment of renewable technologies on islands, for incubation of entrepreneurs to invest in renewable energy, and for audits of cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy options in homes and tourist venues.


    IRENA hosts the GREIN web platform and manages the information ensuring timely updates and wide dissemination. Regular reviews of developments will be made in the context of the IRENA's Council and Assembly sessions. GREIN members contribute information to the platform in areas of interest.<br />
    <br><br />
    <br>GREIN activities are implemented within the knowledge context of the SIDS Lighthouses initiative.<br />

    IRENA Members, SIDS DOCK, World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Fraunhofer Institute (Germany), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, United States)
    GREIN Website
    Islands undertake wind measurement campaigns
    Island Tourism: A Review of Renewable Energy Opportunities
    Staff / Technical expertise
    IRENA Secretariat staff coordinate GREIN website, solicit/vet information from island countries, and conduct/supervise various thematic studies.
    Financing (in USD)
    IRENA budget and voluntary contributions in excess of $1.3 million per year in 2014-2015, largely for production of studies in each thematic area and development of RE roadmaps for islands.
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    Action Network
    Small Island Developing States
    01 January 1970 (date of completion)
    1. Africa
    2. Europe
    3. North America
    4. Asia and Pacific
    More information
    Contact Information

    Jeff Skeer, Senior Programme Officer