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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Ensuring climate resilient water supplies in the Comoros Islands

    The country is highly vulnerable to climate effects such as cyclonees, erosion, flash floods and droughts. Rising temperatures will also reduce water availability and cause saline intrusion from rising sea levels. This project will strengthen the national governance of water by intergrating climate change into the country's new water code. This will include integrating climate information into revised water regislation reforms and upgrading tariff reforms to include the additional costs of reducing climate risks. Enhanced climate-resilient water infrastructure will incorporate expanded water storage tanks to store more water through longer dry periods.

    The Project Steering Committee, led by MEAPEATU, will be responsible for approving program activities. Based on the approved activities, the Project Management Unit (PMU) will ensure the provision of funds to all institutions/organizations for their respective activities. All executing agencies will be responsible for managing tasks allocated to their institution/organization.<br />
    The UNDP Comoros Programme Officer will be responsible for Project Assurance. In addition, the Government of Comoros has requested UNDP to provide direct project services for this project. The UNDP and Government of Comoros acknowledge and agree that those services are not mandatory and will be provided only upon Government request and specified in the Letter of Agreement. The letter of agreement is annexed to the project. The direct project services will follow UNDP policies on the recovery of direct project costs relating to GCF funded projects. The UNDP country office provides support services for the implementation of project activities, including assistance in reporting and direct payment. In doing so, it must ensure that the capacity of the Government (the Implementing Partner) is strengthened.<br />
    The Project Steering Committee (PSC) established by a Ministerial Order will be directed by MEAPEATU and will be responsible for approving reports and activities. It will also provide guidance for proper implementation of the project. Members of the Project Steering Committee will include UNDP, representatives from the Ministries of Environment, Economy, Transport, Health and Interior as well as MA-MWE, UCEA, UCEM and EDA. The PSC will be responsible for making management decisions for the project, in particular when guidance is required by the PMU. The PSC plays a critical role in project monitoring and evaluation by quality-assuring processes and products and using evaluations for performance improvement, accountability and learning. The Committee will convene 2 times per year. Representatives from other institutions/organizations such as local Water User Associations can be included in the PSC as appropriate.<br />
    The Project Manager has the authority to run the project on a day-to-day basis. The PM is accountable to UNDP, the IP and the PSC for the quality, timeliness and effectiveness of the activities carried out, as well as for the use of funds. He/she will also be responsible for coordinating budgets and work plans at the island level with the Island Coordinators.

    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
    Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment, Country Planning and Urbanism (MEAPEATU) COMOROS
    800,000 beneficiaries of strengthened water governance
    Financing (in USD)
    Financing (in USD)
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    Small Island Developing States
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 January 1970 (date of completion)
    Green Climate Fund
    Geographical coverage
    Contact Information

    Simon Wilson, Communications Coordinator at Division of External Affairs