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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Digital Skills for Decent Jobs for Youth in Bangladesh

The aim is to provide training to 250,000 youth on advanced digital skills. These trainings will be organized by 2,500 government-owned Sheikh Russel Digital Labs. The government of Bangladesh will be the main source of financing to support youth in the new era of 4th Industrial Revolution. The main objective of the commitment is to empower the youth of the country with multiple digital skills which will emphasize the government\'s initiative on developing the human potential.
Implementation of the Project/Activity

Based on the international job market survey by a2i and BMET, the forecast analysis on the domestic job market of Bangladesh conducted by BEZA & a2i, and the 4IR survey conducted by a2i, it was found that a significant number jobs in Bangladesh will be challenged by 2024 due to the 4th industrial revolution. For this reason, a2i aims to provide training to the youth to keep pace with 4IR challenges to mitigate the threats of job loss, and to equip the youth through providing advanced skills training with both financial and logistic support by the Government of Bangladesh. a2i will provide training to 250,000 youth by 2023 organized by government-owned Sheikh Russel Digital Labs which is monitored and managed by the ICT division under the Ministry of Post Telecommunications and Information Technology where advanced training in various trade courses is provided in collaboration with Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB). Later on, these trained youth will be linked to decent job opportunities with the assistance of Government of Bangladesh, NGOs, development partners and private companies.

Bangladesh, Access to Information (a2i); Bangladesh, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs; SME Foundation; Bangladesh Women in Technology
Action Network
Decent Jobs for Youth
This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
01 January 2019 (start date)
31 December 2023 (date of completion)
Contact Information

H.M. Asad-Uz- Zaman, Policy Specialist (Skills for Employment)