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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Sites of International Importance to Migratory Birds in East-Asia, South East Asia and Australasia

    This partnership provides a cooperative framework for conservation of migratory waterbirds and their inland and coastal habitats across the region. The partnership is guided by the Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Strategy and associated Action Plans for conservation of Anatidae (Ducks, Swans and Geese), Cranes and Shorebirds. Each of these Action Plan calls for recognition of internationally important habitat for the relevant species group through inclusion in 'Site Networks'. The site network concept links internationally important sites across country boundaries and provides for exchange of information and training opportunities. It provides a powerful tool for cooperation to ensure that the chain of sites required by migratory birds along their migration route is conserved.

    In order to achieve their potential, the site networks need to include at least 25% of internationally important sites across the migratory flyways. At present the networks include approximately 10% of internationally important sites. The WSSD partnership provides for expansion of the site networks across the region.


    Government of Australia - Department of Environment and Heritage

    Government of Japan - Ministry of the Environment

    Government of Bangladesh

    Government of Cambodia

    Government of China - People's Republic of China

    Government of Democratic People's Republic of Korea

    Government of Indonesia

    Government of Malaysia

    Government of Mongolia

    Government of Myanmar

    Government of New Zealand

    Government of Papua New Guinea

    Government of Philippines

    Government of Republic of Korea

    Government of Russian Federation - Russian Federantion

    Government of Thailand

    Government of United States of America

    Government of Viet Nam

    Major Groups:

    Wetlands International (Malaysia)

    Japanese Association for Wild Geese Protection (Japan)

    Wild Bird Society of Japan (Japan)

    Wetlands International (Netherlands)

    BirdLife International (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

    World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) (United States of America)

    UN System:

    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (Kenya)

    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (United States of America)

    Other intergovernmental organizations:

    Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) (Germany)

    Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (Switzerland)

    The Global Environment Facility (GEF) (United States of America)

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    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 December 2005 (date of completion)
    Contact Information