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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

The Child's Right to Nature and a Healthy Environment

    We will (either through an Additional Protocol or (first) a General Comment) have "The Child's Right to Nature and a Healthy Environment" codified in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. More info see:
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    To realize our commitment, we will jointly ensure

    1. That the new UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and Environment will be informed on this initiative as soon as (s)he will be in place and will continuously keep Her/him updated;

    2. That we gather of case law and fieldwork,which will be submitted broadl. Sources will include EarthCharter network and IUCN Env. LawCenter - start asap

    3. The inviting of the CRC Committee for a Discussion Day - (submit in 9/12 for '13 or '14). Weeks prior to that we will try to organize a Side Event at or before the Human Rights Council's meeting.

    4. The acceptance and putting into place of the (already submitted) Resolution at IUCN Int. Conference - (9/12 Annelies Henstra of IUCN NL is going and is already getting and further acquiring internal IUCN support)

    5. That we contribute to (and call for) mentioning of this Child's right in UPRs and PRs on CRC globally - start asap

    EarthCharter Initiative, Terres de Hommes International Federation, IUCN NL, Stand Up For Your Rights

    Others to join later

    That the new UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and Environment will be informed on this initiative as soon as (s)he will be in place and will continuously keep Her/him updated;
    That we gather of case law and fieldwork,which will be submitted broadl. Sources will include EarthCharter network and IUCN Env. LawCenter - start asap
    The inviting of the CRC Committee for a Discussion Day - (submit in 9/12 for '13 or '14). Weeks prior to that we will try to organize a Side Event at or before the Human Rights Council's meeting.
    The acceptance and putting into place of the (already submitted) Resolution at IUCN Int. Conference
    In-kind contribution
    All mentioned
    Staff / Technical expertise
    All mentioned
    Other, please specify
    network by all, incl. Green Rights Alliance
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    05 June 2015 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
    More information
    Contact Information

    Annelies Henstra, Dr.