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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Building Institutional and Political Capacity for Urban Sustainable Mobility

    Greater awareness of sustainable mobility amongst citizens and policy makers in partner cities in Africa, Asia and LAC regions. Partner cities will adopt policies, strategies and plans for sustainable mobility. Cities will have strong institutional capacity and become adept in analyzing the real problems and securing financing and implementing people-centered projects. The share of public transport in cities will increase and public transport will be better integrated with walking, cycling and other non-motorised transport. Accidents, fatalities and injuries associated with the movement of goods and people in cities will decrease. Congestion, air pollution, GHG emissions, noise and vibration will decrease.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    UN-HABITAT in collaboration with its partners will focus on awareness raising and capacity building. It will build a constituency for support for a new planning approach focusing on the role of the street and the greater role of public transport integrated with non-motorized transport by planning and implementing innovative demonstration projects and widely disseminating its experiences. It will also develop practical tools and guides that can assist city authorities in their efforts towards the goal of sustainable mobility. These tools will make it easier for local authorities to measure and evaluate current conditions and the likely impacts of proposed initiatives on key performance indicators. UN-HABITAT will also link such up-front work with the lending and grant support programmes of the Multilateral Financial Institutions. Existing communication platforms such as the Urban Gateway and the World Urban Campaign will provide the agency powerful mechanisms to build support at a global scale for sustainable mobility.

    UN-HABITAT in partnership with City Governments, ICLEI, ITDP, GIZ, UITP, CODATU and Regional Development Banks.
    Rapid Assessment Tool for Sustainable Urban Mobility Developed (for Application in the Africa, Asia and the LAC Region)
    Dissemination of Experiences from UN-HABITAT's GEF-Sustainable Transport Project East Africa and the GENUS project.
    Demonstration Projects implemented in Africa and Asia and lessons disseminated ( First Phase); 2 tool kits /guides/ publications developed .
    Demonstration Projects implemented and lessons disseminated (2nd Phase); 8 tool kits/guides/publications
    Financing (in USD)
    In-kind contribution
    USD 20 Million; This represents in kind contribution by UN-HABITAT's implementing partners
    Staff / Technical expertise
    Eight Full -Time Staff ; This includes UN-HABITAT' s HQ based staff and time allocation of field based staff to Sustainable Urban Mobility
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    31 December 2018 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
    100 partner cities from Asia, Africa and LAC regions
    Contact Information

    Andre Dzikus, Coordinator, Urban Basic Services Branch