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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Aid for trade logistics

    - Support the initiative of green economy promotion

    - Provide awareness on green growth knowledge,

    - Provide practical knowledge on green growth which for sustainable development and poverty eradication,

    - Provide awareness of a system for the implementation of green economy at village and district level,

    - Encourage communities to participate in sustainable development, poverty eradication activities

    - Elaborate strategies aiming at promoting green economy in the east Africa community and achieve sustainable development

    - Use media for the training of communities as successful examples of green economy,

    - Provide the necessaries for community to accept the green economy initiative.

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    First of all, the chief executive officer will be responsible for all the activities.

    Statement of work:

    The Agronomist extension officer and environmental specialist will be the single point of contact throughout the implementation phase in the east Africa community; the chief executive officer will create a Statement of Work (SoW), in which all steps and responsible parties are described, including deadlines for each step.

    Technical implementation:

    The technical implementation will be stated ( provide access to systems such as computers and materials such as books and tools, telecom & IVR set-up and reporting system). There will be time dedicated to measure and test all equipment and tools whether they are working including other aspects are working in advance to start the assignment.


    Training is will be a crucial stage of our project implementation. We will take through all our volunteers what we want to see being delivered in the communities, training will be conducted in each country for each volunteers based on the environment and type of assignment to be carried, every training includes one or more exams to measure their understanding on the taught activities and assignment, All knowledge is documented in database and standard operating procedure.


    A technology transfer arrangement (“TTA”) in this project will refer to all contracts or agreement involving the transfer of systematic knowledge to all the volunteers. The application of a taught green economy mechanism will render good service. <br />
    <br />
    However, there will be practical benefits to those that will serve as volunteer to this project based on the technology transfer arrangement.<br />
    Institutionalizing capacity building systems and making them as effective professional support are critical needs of large scale participatory development projects; we expect to train our volunteers before they go into the project.<br />
    <br />
    The agronomist extensive officer and environmental specialist will conduct the training with the government officials from the ministry of agriculture and environment for each respective country of east Africa community namely Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania <br />
    To support the decision making, necessary options are provided for every critical aspect of the strategy village Mapping and Indicative Capacity Building Action Plans will be prepared based on exhaustive literature review and interactions with several resources. <br />
    <br />
    Aid for trade logistics believes that the proposed arrangements for the technology transfer and capacity building would unleash the creative energies of the communities and project volunteers in securing the green economy. <br />


    Recruitment of 50 volunteers through Guardian Jobs websites<br />
    Recruitment of 50 volunteer for the East Africa Community and job assignment<br />
    Deployment of 50 volunteers to respective villages and zones for assignments in (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania). 10 volunteers for each country<br />
    1 year Appointment of an Agronomist extension officer and environmental specialist to be the team leader of the volunteers,<br />
    Aid for trade logistics chief executive officer dispatch assignment to all volunteers,<br />
    Agronomist extension officer and environmental specialist coordinate and supervise first assignment for the first three months of assignment, monitor, evaluate and report to the chief executive officer,<br />
    The chief executive officer report in form of publication to the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM<br />

    Work closely with government of east african community on green economy
    Support volunteers fully to perform and deliver the expected objective during their assignment
    Face challenges and achieve goals for green economy
    Measure the sustainable development and poverty eradication for the first phase of this project
    Staff / Technical expertise
    Other, please specify
    Technology Transfer and Capacity building to volunteers and community
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    08 September 2014 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
    Arusha, Tanzania
    Contact Information

    George Christopher Madoda, Executive Officer