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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

African Energy Legacy Projects

    A primary requirement to assist in the electrification of Africa is to complete the interconnectors between the various countries and their respective utilities, so that Africa has one interconnected transmission grid. The transmission interconnectors are predicated on the basis that, while some countries and/or regions have excess generation capacity, others are experiencing shortages, with serious consequences for their economic and social development. While it is technically possible for each country to develop sufficient energy resources to meet their needs in the medium to longer term, this approach ignores the economic and environmental efficiencies possible through regional co-operation. This is viewed as an important first step, as it allows undersupplied countries, or countries supplied primarily by hydro-electricity, who are subject to fluctuations in supply during drought cycles, to have immediate access to a pool of electricity when required, and to contribute to such a pool when water levels are high. This facilitates uninterrupted power supply throughout Africa.

    The initiative supports the diversification of electricity sources and socio-economic development. Apart from supporting NEPAD and adhering to best environmental practice, detailed design of the project will take into account synergies with existing sustainable development initiatives, such as the Peace Parks initiative, eradication of land mines and improvement of local infrastructure. The partnership aims include improving capacity for regional and sub-continental electricity trading.


    Government of South Africa - Eskom (South Africa National Electric Utility)

    Government of Angola - Angola National Electric Utility (ENE)

    Government of Democratic Republic of the Congo - Congo National Electric Utility (SNEL)

    Government of Kenya - Kenya National Electric Utility (Zesco)

    Government of Malawi - Malawi National Electric Utility (Escom Ltd)

    Government of Mozambique - Mozambique National Electric Utility (EdM)

    Government of Namibia - Namibia National Electric Utility (Nam Power)

    Government of United Republic of Tanzania - Tanzania National Electric Utility (Tanesco)

    Government of Zambia - Zambia National Electric Utility (Kplc)

    UN System:

    The World Bank (United States of America)

    Other intergovernmental organizations:

    South African Development Community (SADC) (Botswana)

    New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) (South Africa)

    Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) (South Africa)

    Member States: African Union ()

    Member States: East and West African Power Pools ()
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    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 December 2010 (date of completion)
    Contact Information