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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Achieving more with less

    Our 20-year goal for 2030: Triple the value we create for the footprint made by our operatons, products and sercices. We summarize this ambition to become three times more efficient as Factor 3.

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    To successfully implement our strategy and drive sustainability in our business process, we have defined three strategic principles - products, partners, and people. Our products deliver more value for our customers and consumers. We achieve this through innovative solutions and education, and through products that offer better performance with a smaller footprint, thus saving resources and reducing other negative environmental impacts. Our partners are key to driving sustainability along our value chains and in all areas of business and life. We support them with our products and expertise. At the same time, we help our customers and consumers to reduce their own environmental footprint. To do this, we collaborate with selected suppliers, so that they can supply us with raw materials that have an improved ecological footprint. Our people make the difference – through their dedication, skills and knowledge. They make their own contributions to sustainable development, in day-to-day business and in their local communities. They interface with our customers and consumers, make innovation possible, develop successful strategies, and give our company its unique identity.

    More information about our commitment see our latest online sustainability report 2011 at <a href="">Henkel, Sustainability Report 2011</a>

    Suppliers, customers and consumers, Open to additional partners.
    With our 20-year goal in mind, we have set concrete interim targets for our focal areas. Overall, we aim to increase our efficiency by 30 percent by the end of 2015 - that is, an improvement of five to six percent per year.
    Energy and Climate: - 15 % less energy per production unit
    Material and Waste: - 15 % less water per production unit
    Water and Wastewater: - 15 % less water per production unit
    Safety and Health: + 20 % safer per million hours worked
    Performance: + 10 % more net sales per production unit
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    Action Network
    Global Compact
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 January 2015 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
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