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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

15/15/15 UN - Civil Society Partnership Voluntary Committment

    15/15/15 catch phrase indicates that 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers shall be mobilized by global civil society for SD efforts by the year 2015; in addition to these easily measurable targets, the initiative aims at innovating the UN system by developing mechanisms for civil society participation in responses to global challenges on local and global level. Thus 15/15/15 voluntary commitment aims at a cultural shift and new institutions (Global Challenges Center at UN HQ in NY, Global Forum on Innovative Resource Mobilization for Education and Science, Global Challenges centers and programs) for civil society participation in SD governance.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    -Rio+20 side event "Rio+20 15/15/15 Formula - Heartpower and Action for The Future We Want", 14 Jun 2012 (incl. discussion of a Charter of Shared Social Responsibility for Global Commons)

    -discussion of 15/15/15 recommendation <a href="">Rio Dialogues</a> in Rio+20 Dialogues with Civil Society and mainstreaming of the initiative

    -integrating 15/15/15 initiative into next round of Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest <a href="">Global Challenges World Cup</a>

    -High Profile Fundraising event in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee/Austria <a href="">location</a&gt;

    -development of 15/15/15 documentation system and registry of commitments

    -development of volunteers management system

    -establishing a Global Forum on Innovative Resource Mobilization for Education and Science

    -establishing pilot Global Challenges Centers and Programs in South East European countries and some African countries (for more info see IAAI Annual Report 2011 <a href="">Global Challenges World Cup</a>)

    -channeling financial resources from ODA, Carbon financing, etc. to 15/15/15 programs and cooperating with governments on tax incentives and matching funds.

    -further roll-out of the initiative to India, China, etc.

    -UN- Civil Society Joint Task Force or Commission for institutional engineering towards integration of public and private resources in a renewed UN system. (see <a href="… power & Rio+20</a> for details)

    International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) (coordination, concept development, documentation system, quality assurance)

    15/15/15 Voluntary Committments initiative is open for endorsement by individuals and organizations

    During implementation formalized partnerships will be established with global youth networks and related initiatives of different international organizations like e.g. Volunteer Action Counts campaign of United Nations Volunteers, Earth Charter Youth network, etc.

    15 million volunteers endorsing 15/15/15 Charter of Shared Social responsibility for Global Commons and reporting annually about their implementation of the committment
    heartpower of 150 songs in support of 15/15/15 initiative provided through Global Youth Music Contest
    150 Global Challenges Centers
    pledges of 15 billion Euros for programs of Global Challenges centers and other activities documented through 15/15/15 Global Commons Growth documentation system/ Registry of Committments
    Financing (in USD)
    In-kind contribution
    1000 hours of seed volunteer work: promotion of the initiative through Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest network of national and regional coordinators
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    30 June 2015 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
    multilevel governance with a focus on multistakeholder partnerships for global commons growth on local level
    Contact Information

    Miroslav Polzer, Secretary general of IAAI