Progress report for
Water for all, water justice

Achievement at a glance
1) We have participated at national and international events to foster the need to recognise the global water crisis and to protect and manage water as a common good.2) Our programmes in Africa and Latin America have promoted water governance based on human rights principles, especially the equal participation of women.
3) We have organized capacity building actions in all the countries where we work in
4) We have promoted the use of accessible, disaggregated and public information systems that specifically include information on the most vulnerable groups
5) We have prioritised actions to achieve at least basic access to reach the most vulnerable and marginalised populations and areas, with special focus on sanitation and hygiene, including the management of the menstrual hygiene.
6) We have carried out exhaustive monitoring of Spanish Official Development Assistance in the WASH sector and have promoted WASH policy coherence in the Spanish external action
Challenges faced in implementation
We face challenges both in local WASH projects in Latin America and Caribe as in rising awareness and advocacy actions.We need more resources to increase the results
Next Steps
Alberto GuijarroBeneficiaries
Impoverished people in Latin America and subsaharan countries
Mainly focused on women and rural population
1) Online Workshop "Unlocking the future of water and sanitation: urgent and transformative actions to leave no one behind". 21 november 20232) WASH Global Crisis Campaign. March-december 2023
3) Participation in the UN Water Conference, co-organizing side events and fostering a global justice water manifest. March 2023
4) WASH projects in Mozambique, Senegal, Nicaragua and Guatemala, focused on vulnerable people in rural areas. Throughout 2023
5) Capacity building actions in Mozambique, Senegal, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Throughout 2023
6) Online conference about Menstrual Health and Menstrual Hygiene as accelerators of gender equality. 26 September 2023
7) Helping to develop a human rights to water and sanitation tool for rural municipalities. Throughout 2023
8) Active participation in the Advisory Council for the WASH Spanish Fund in Latin America and Caribe. Throughout 2023
9) WASH manifest with petitions for the Spanish Cooperation, signed by 50 Spanish organizations. March 2023