Achievement at a glance
From 2020 to 2022, we have accelerated our effort to push business SDG actions.The Certified Sustainable Development Corporation (CSDC) certification is offered by the World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners to companies which have met the requirements in support of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, including professional standards in business operation, strategies, culture, and achievement. Companies receiving the CSDC certification by WISDP are able to demonstrate their professional support, and contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals in their respective businesses and industries.
Furthermore, we have established a comprehensive certification process that seek to give recognition to not only business who has already made significant achievements in contributing to sustainable development, but also to businesses that are working towards promoting the SDGs –Recognized Sustainable Development Corporation (RSDC). RSDC are suitable for businesses of any size, in any industry, it provides a prove, an encouragement and a special recognition for businesses that are in the process of developing its committment towards promoting sustainable development.
In recent years, the number of CSDC and RSDC has grown, showing increasing business awareness and committments towards promoting the UNSDGs.
Our CSDC and RSDC are corporations that ranges from SMEs to world re-known public corporations such as Henderson Land Development Company Limited, Julius Industries Limited, The Lane Crawford Joyce Group, SJM Holdings Limited and more. They come from a wide variety of industries, including Fashion and Retailing, Professional Training and Consulting, Aviation, Entertainment, Housing and Real Estate, Finance, Education and even Printing and Packaging.
At the individual level, we have established the unique certification of "Certified Sustainable Development Planners (CSDP)". The network of professionals working towards sustainable development in different industries was able to actively exchange knowledge, participate in capacity-building trainings on sustainable development planning, and implement sustainable development solutions. The number of CSDP has grown considerably these past few years, and we have organized site visits, trainings, seminars, and professional networking events on the theme of sustainable development for the CSDP network. Furthermore, the certification also demonstrates an individual's effort and achievement in sustainable development planning, allowing the individual to use the logo of CSDP on their business cards.
Next Steps
Karen CheungBeneficiaries
We would be looking forward to develop more flagship events and activities, host more webinars and training sessions on sustainable development for the certified businesses.Our ambition is to build up a network of businesses that contributes to the sustainable development goals, to foster exchange of experiences, sharing of resources and mutual support. The World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners (WISDP) will also provide more technical support to CSDC and RSDC in terms of sustainable development planning and how to incorporating sustainability into their business operations, products and services.