Progress report for
The Ripple Effect: Partnering with Heart to Create Coherent Concentric Circles of Water and Dignity for All

Achievement at a glance
In 2022, we collaborated with RWFAF to dig a solar-powered water borehole in Chikupo Primary School Mrewa, providing water for 1,220 schoolchildren and 1,119 households (approximately 8,000 residents). This project continued in 2023 with the development of a garden by the community and a visit by our regional coordinator to verify the condition of the well and progress on the garden. The garden not only ensures that the school children get food security during the school day, but the profits from selling the garden harvests go into a fund for the community to cover the expenses of the well maintenance. In 2023, we collaborated with Rosshirt Water for Africa Foundation to repair and service 3 wells in Mwenzi. These repairs restored water access to 2,000 residents- while this was not part of our original plan, it was in alignment with our plans goals.Challenges faced in implementation
In 2023, once again, we attempted to bring clean water to a new village. After the initially identified village became unreachable due to the rains, the Zimbabwe team identified the Tashinga school as our new target community. With a similar impact of 800 school children and 2,000 residents. Unfortunately, in February, 2024 we hit a dry well. Also, our original borehole dug in 2022 broke, and the community spent the resources from their garden meant to maintain the well on painting the school and buying schoolbooks instead. We are now in the process of fundraising to help fix the well which is delaying our resources intended for digging new boreholes.Next Steps
Sheva CarrBeneficiaries
10,000 school children and their families in rural Zimbabwe.