Progress report for
PNRR Investment: Reduction of losses in water distribution networks, including digitization and network monitoring - Italy
Achievement at a glance
Regarding the initiative in question, all available financial resources have been allocated to a variety of implementing bodies, in line with the timelines set by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Specifically, a total of 33 projects were identified across the country in 2021 and 2022, amounting to 900 million euros. The resources were equitably distributed, ensuring that 40% of them were allocated to the Southern Regions of Italy. This year (2024), following the process of re-negotiation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan at the European level, the measure has been scaled up with an additional billion euros of funds, allowing the admission to financing of a further 70 initiatives that had been deemed eligible but not fundable in the first two financing rounds.Challenges faced in implementation
The main challenges regarding investments in water infrastructure under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan essentially concern three aspects: firstly, these are projects of high complexity, generally higher than other public investments, due to engineering, environmental, and administrative factors. The complexity of these interventions highlights the need to undertake upskilling and capacity-building initiatives for the offices involved, especially concerning local authorities and entities, with whom coordination is sometimes challenging.Next Steps
Lorenzo R.S. SanchezBeneficiaries
The funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for water infrastructure have been allocated to a variety of actors who are the Implementing Bodies of the Plan. These include Water Management Bodies, and public or private companies responsible for interventions on the aqueduct network. The ultimate beneficiaries of the Plan, however, are the citizens and the national system, which will see an improvement in water resource management.