Progress report for
Developing networks on the environmental management of enclosed coastal seas (EMECS)

Achievement at a glance
(1) Coordination of EMECS14 ConferenceAt the 25th meeting of the EMECS Scientific and Policy Committee held on June 1, 2022, it was decided to coordinate with James Cook University, the local secretariat, to hold the EMECS14 Conference in Cairns, Australia. The location and timing of the conference are currently being coordinated.
(2) 3rd Satoumi Conference
The 3rd Satoumi Conference "" Satoumi in Japan ~Explore the factors that led to the creation of Satoumi and its diverse roles ~" was held in Kobe City on October 30, 2022, in cooperation with the NPO Satoumi Research Institute.
The "Satoumi" concept - " A coastal area where biological productivity and biodiversity have increased through human interaction" proposed by then Kyushu University Professor Tetsuo Yanagi in 1998 has been widely spreading from the Seto Inland Sea to attract attention in Japan and abroad.
This conference introduced four representative Japanese Satoumi, Hinase Town, Okayama Prefecture; Onna Village, Okinawa Prefecture; Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture; and Kashiwa Island, Otsuki Town, Kochi Prefecture. The presentations covered how they came to their current state, the factors that have sustained them, their future direction, and their social roles.
(3) High School Students Marine Environmental Conservation Research Presentation
In order to further promote the development of human resources who will be responsible for the environmental conservation of the next generation of closed sea areas, we have started the “Presentation workshop on marine environmental conservation for high school students" (Presentation workshop) where high school students were able to receive advice directly from expert as a new project starting in FY 2022. In addition, "Public Presentation of High School Students' Marine Environmental Conservation Research" (Research presentation), in which research reflecting the results of the guidance was presented to the public was held.
Challenges faced in implementation
N/ANext Steps
We will coordinate with the local secretariat on the venue and timing of the EMECS14 conference, and conduct site visits.We will continue to hold high school students' research presentations on marine environmental conservation to further develop young human resources.
Researchers, administrative officials, educators, students, citizens
“Presentation workshop on marine environmental conservation for high school students” was originally planned to be held only as a presentation workshop, but the presentation advisory committee members suggested that the students be given an opportunity to publicly present their research results reflecting the advice they received, so the research presentation was held.The presentation was well received by the participating students, who said, "It was good to be able to present the results of our research and have them heard by a variety of people," and "Receiving an award encouraged us to continue our research activities.