Achievement at a glance
This initiative begins in 1994. Cricula larvae are no longer treated as pests but as a valuable source of income for rural villagers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. There are torrents of international academic journals on the utilisation of Cricula Trifenestrata golden cocoons; a PANDEMIC-PROOF PROFITABLE ZERO-EMISSION business model. However, for those not enlightened with this hidden wisdom, the culling of Cricula larvae continues.Challenges faced in implementation
It is 2021, almost 30 years have passed since the launch of Cricula initiative and yet there has been no single commercial book about Cricula PANDEMIC-PROOF PROFITABLE ZERO-EMISSION business model. Hence, information hogged among select scholars, researchers and stakeholders.While those in power are preoccupied with grandiose plans and meetings, at grassroots level, each second is a matter of life and death. We hope and pray for Cricula realistic applicable solutions to gain support from trustworthy channels for authentic global information sharing.
Next Steps
There are plethora of great ideas and realistic applicable solutions trapped in the lab. It is critical time to move beyond personal priority and act as global citizens. In order to reach wider audiences, information needs to be commercially disseminated in an understandable and interesting format for majority stakeholders; beyond scientific journals.It is a challenge for us to search for a publisher who is willing to gamble on a brand new idea, armed with the capacity of merging the scholar and commercial world to present a beautiful solution understandable for stakeholders from all walks of life. We hope that the UN Publishers Compact members can become a genuine part of the solution and shift beyond personal corporate priority, agenda and gain.
Earth and all living souls.