Progress report for
Mainstreaming ocean conservation and sustainable fisheries in Mexico through effective participation and citizen science.
Achievement at a glance
COMMITMENT 2Based on the Gender Equality at Sea initiative, womens contribution to fisheries has been made visible, and its participation in the decision-making of fisheries management, promoted. This is achieved through training and exchanges with 117 women and 41 men in 13 communities who promote gender equality at the community level. The results were presented at 13 national and international congresses and forums, nine reports and three articles.
Challenges faced in implementation
Social constructions that perpetrate gender inequality are embedded in Mexican culture, thus there is a strong resistance to change. Womens empowerment needs to be done in a very sensitive way in order to not increase gender-based violence. Women need that interventions consider their particular conditions so that they can reconcile their professional performance with the household. Gender equality is still perceived as a womens issue, rather than under the lens of the human rights.Beneficiaries
Small-scale fisheries (observing the complete value chain) and coastal communities in Mexico.