Progress report for
Mediterranean implementation of the Ecosystem Approach, in coherence with the EU MSFD
Achievement at a glance
National capacity assessments conducted for seven Southern Mediterranean Countries in relation to monitoring and assessment in line with the UNEP/MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) and in coherence with EU Marine Strategic Framework Directive (MSFD).National IMAPs developed in relation to three clusters (Biodiversity and Non-Indigenous Species (NIS), Coast and Hydrography, and Pollution and Marine Litter) in seven Southern Mediterranean Countries.
National monitoring and implementation capacities strengthened in all seven countries through dedicated national and sub-regional trainings for all three clusters.
Guidance developed for the monitoring of the 27 IMAP common indicators for all three clusters, including Guidance Factsheets for Common Indicators and Monitoring Protocols.
Joint GFCM-UNEP/MAP Sub-Regional Pilot for the Eastern Mediterranean for the monitoring of Non-Indigenous Fish Species developed.
Regional and sub-regional cooperation and exchange of expertise and best practices strengthened through regular meetings of the thematic Ecosystem Approach Correspondence Groups on Monitoring and Focal Points for all three clusters.
Regional cooperation on offshore and shipping monitoring advanced.
Science-Policy Interface for Ecosystem Approach and IMAP implementation enhanced through regional workshops, with specific recommendations developed to support the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention.
Data management system, IMAP Pilot Info System, developed and operational for 11 IMAP common indicators, supported by relevant quality assurance and quality control guidance, data standards and data dictionaries.
Quality Status Report of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast published, as the first, region-wide agreed common indicator-based assessment of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast, based on the IMAP common indicators.
Partnerships strengthened with key actors in the region such as the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (FAO/GFCM) for data and information sharing.
Funding Strategy for the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach in the Mediterranean developed, with a special emphasis on the implementation needs of the IMAP in the Southern Mediterranean.
Challenges faced in implementation
Key challenges in the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach in the Mediterranean in coherence with the European Union (EU) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) are related to the difficulties in securing funding to support further national capacity building and implementation, and to ensure the sustainability of monitoring and assessment programmes in the region in the future. Despite progress made on developing common monitoring, assessment and reporting guidance and standards, some challenges related to disparities in terms of available national monitoring and assessment tools, methods, capacities and resources between countries in the region remain. Further harmonization and sharing of tools and methods are therefore required in order to ensure an effective implementation of the Ecosystem Approach in the region. In particular, efforts must be continued to ensure comparable and quality assured data for an integrated assessment of the Good Environmental Status in the Mediterranean in order to support reliable knowledge- and science-based decision-making. Strong and systematic regional and sub-regional collaboration must be encouraged for monitoring and assessment of the status of the Mediterranean Sea and coast, for example through joint regional monitoring pilots. The project helped to demonstrate the importance of a stronger Science-Policy Interface (SPI) to ensure that policies and action are based on the latest science, and that scientific research responds to policy needs. Further efforts are needed to continue strengthening SPI networks at national and regional levels.Beneficiaries
The main beneficiaries of the project were Southern Mediterranean Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia), and more particularly, government decision-makers at national and local levels in these countries, such as representatives from the beneficiary country ministries of environment, fishery as well as relevant general directorates, and national and local institutions responsible for the monitoring and assessment of the marine environment. In addition, through its contributions to developing new tools, methods and promoting good practices, the project had an impact on other stakeholder groups, including the scientific community and specialized international institutions and global initiatives, and other Regional Seas Conventions around Europe (OSPAR, HELCOM, Bucharest Convention). Ultimately, through the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach in the Mediterranean towards the achievement of the Good Environmental Status of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast, the efforts will benefit to the entire population of the region.
Technical and capacity building support to countries in the region provided by UNEP/MAP Components and technical experts identified as part of the project, including provision of technical advice in the development of national IMAPs and organization of national and sub-regional training workshops.Development of guidance and practical tools and harmonization of methods for integrated monitoring and assessment of the marine and coastal environment in the Mediterranean, in line with the UNEP/MAP IMAP.
Facilitation of regional cooperation and exchange of practices between countries through the creation of national and regional networks of experts, in particular through the set up and regular meetings of thematic Ecosystem Approach Correspondence Groups on Monitoring and Focal Points for all three clusters (Biodiversity and Non-Indigenous Species (NIS), Coast and Hydrography, and Pollution and Marine Litter).
Creation of an IMAP-compatible shared data management system, the IMAP Pilot Info System, and related quality assurance and quality control guidance, data standards and data dictionaries, to ensure harmonized reporting by Contracting Parties of data collected through national monitoring exercises, and to support the production of assessment reports in an integrated manner based on common indicators.
Development of the first assessment product based on the MAP Ecological Objectives and IMAP indicators, the 2017 Mediterranean Quality Status Report, thus contributing to improving the understanding of the state of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast and of data availability and knowledge gaps in relation to IMAP common indicators yet to be addressed.
Organization of workshops bringing together scientists and policy makers, analysis of opportunities and needs, and development of recommendations for strengthening the Science-Policy Interface in support of the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach and IMAP.
Identification of partnerships and resource mobilization opportunities to support sustainability and continuity of results.