Progress report for
Keep the Oceans Tidy
Achievement at a glance
The Network Keep Sweden Tidy is aimed at organizations and companies that want to join and create long-term commitment to clean seas and reduced litters. Meetings with seminars, workshops and knowledge sharing, members are supportive elements of the program, where the aim is to motivate and inspire joint projects. The government decided in the budget for 2018 that SEK 20 million per year during the period 2018-2020 may be paid as a contribution to the organization Keep Sweden Tidy for work to generate and convey knowledge and experience that contributes to reducing littering with a special effort directed at the public and especially children and young people. The amount of members have increased and now encompass 13 larger businesses. Representatives within the businesses have in different ways within their companies and together with the network taken actions in order to reach the networks goals.Beneficiaries