Progress report for
Tackling abandoned, lost and otherwise discarded fishing gear at global scale - a multi-stakeholder partnership.
Achievement at a glance
The Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI), continues its work to show the value of taking care of and reducing the presence of lost fishing gear, ghost nets, to achieve sustainable fisheries. In 2019, the initiative participated in a number of global political forums, including the Our Ocean 2019 conference in Oslo, Norway and the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy. There they addressed the fight against sea plastics and sustainable fishing. For 2020, GGCI plans to update the data portal (, participate in various political forums, including the United Nations Ocean Conference, Hallifax Gear Innovation Summit (Halifax, Canada), International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic (Reykjavik, Iceland), International Conference on the African Marine Waste Network (Port Elizabeth, South Africa) and the UN FAO Fisheries Committee Meeting (COFI). In addition, a framework for best practice will be launched that specifically addresses the issue of problems with lost nets from aquaculture.Beneficiaries