Progress report for
Strengthening the implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan to support ocean-related SDGs
Achievement at a glance
The update of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) is an important process for achieving good environmental status in the Baltic Sea without significant action from the countries in the region. There are strong links to the need for environmental measures and work aimed at, among other things, strengthened work on nutrient recycling, marine debris, noise and impact on bottoms.Work to strengthen the implementation of commitments in the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), according to the following timetable:
2019: Structure and main components of a new BSAP
New ecological / management objectives
How far do we go get with existing measures? 2020: focus on new actions/measures
Draft on synopses of new actions and recommendations. The results will be published in the spring of 2020.
Working Group meetings in April / May, BSAP workshops in May 2020
Update of BSAP by 2021 with the ocean-related SDG goals as a framework
Adopting a final version at the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in 2021. In the preparations for the BSAP update includes a review of the extent to the existing actions and recommendations have been implemented. The results will be published in the spring of 2020. The review conducted in 2017 covered only part of the agreements. Sweden supports this work in several ways, for example:
In kind with experts participation in various meetings, generally around the update of BSAP
through financial support to the HELCOM Secretariat for BSAP update project management, and support for analyzes of adequacy in existing measures and hazardous topics by having leading roles in several working groups, or for sub-assignments, within the HELCOM ACTION projects and within the SOM platform, which analyzes adequacy in existing measures.