Progress report for
Promoting standards for sustainable fisheries management and traceability of fish products on a global scale
Achievement at a glance
On 4 February 2020, the third session of the Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries took place in Geneva. The session was attended by 29 delegates and experts representing national government agencies, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector. During the meeting, the team discussed the development process of the UN/FLUX standards, the need to further develop and implement the standard and to assist all interested countries and relevant partners with its implementation. The meeting underlined the role of UN/FLUX to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 14 and identified it as an important instrument to support measures which are currently discussed at the WTO negotiations on fisheries subsidies.Participants noted that the UN/FLUX standard highly facilitates international forces to prevent, mitigate and address unsustainable fishing and will be a very useful tool to implement the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA). The Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries plans collaboration with participants of the 2020 Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal.