Progress report for
Working through research, conservation projects, campaigns and education to improve the situation for wildlife in the worlds oceans
Achievement at a glance
OceanCare supports the GFCM to preserve endangered species and promote marine conservation and participated at the Commission Meetings 40 to 43, the Scientific and Advisory Committee 20 and 21, and the FishForum2018.We conducted a market survey. of different marine species from the Ligurian Sea to determine their load with microplastics and a survey among small-scale fishermen on the east coast of Sicily. Almost 50% of the interviewed fishermen confirmed that bycatch is an issue. 72% of the interviewed fishermen experienced damage to their fishing gear or depredation by dolphins.
We co-hosted a workshop on underwater noise and impacts on fish resources and developed a set of recommendations among them to conduct a study on the impacts on fish stocks and fishing catch rates, as well as associated socioeconomic effects, in the GFCM Area.
OceanCare submitted the Review Report by Dr. Linda Weilgart of Dalhousie University on the Impact of anthropogenic ocean noise on fish and invertebrates to the IWC Scientific Committee meeting in 2019, as noise affects prey species and whale welfare.
In 2019, we were recognised as a partner of the Barcelona Convention Action Plan (UNEP/MAP). The organisation attended the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) and worked towards the formal approval of the area between the Balearic Islands and the Spanish mainland as Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI) for which we advocated for several years. This decision has led to a withdrawal and cancelling of oil exploration projects for the next three years and will make oceans quieter and provide time to develop a management plan for this area.
In February 2020, OceanCare, official partner of CMS, attended the 13th Conference of the Parties to CMS and called on governments to formally increase and facilitate the role of civil society in the decision-making process.
Challenges faced in implementation
1. Fishermen in Mediterranean Sea
2. Endangered and protected species
3. Marine Protected Areas
4. Local population of Mediterranean riparian states.
1. Through the assessment of socio-economic consequences of noise impact on fish catch rates OceanCare helps to secure the livelihoods of fishermen and local people.2. Through the promotion of regulations and noise mitigation measures
3. Through the development of a management plan for the SPAMI