Progress report for
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)
Achievement at a glance
The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) has made advancements in developing best practices for the collection and processing of environmental DNA samples from marine environments. MBON seeks to use molecular eDNA records to examine time series of taxa diversity, from microbes to whales, to understand community composition changes associated with shifts in oceanographic regime. The study includes the development of eDNA-based biodiversity indicators to evaluate species trophic interactions, identify indicator species, and derive proxy information on species abundance.There is great interest in using eDNA to address several of the biological Essential Ocean Variables defined by the Global Ocean Observing System of the IOC, and the complementary Essential Biodiversity Variables defined by GEO BON MBON.
Djurhuus, Anni, Collin J. Closek, Ryan P. Kelly, Kathleen J. Pitz, Reiko P. Michisaki, Hilary A. Starks, Kristine R. Walz, Elizabeth A. Andruszkiewicz, Emily Olesin, Katherine Hubbard, Enrique Montes, Daniel Otis, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Francisco P. Chavez, Alexandria B. Boehm & Mya Breitbart. 2020. Nature Communications. 11, 254. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-14105-1.
Djurhuus, Anni, Kathleen Pitz, Natalie A. Sawaya, Jaimie Rojas-Mrquez, Brianna Michaud, Enrique Montes, Frank Muller-Karger, and Mya Breitbart. 2018. Evaluation of marine zooplankton community structure through environmental DNA metabarcoding. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 10.1002/lom3.10237
Djurhuus, Anni, Collin J. Closek, Ryan P. Kelly, Kathleen J. Pitz, Reiko P. Michisaki, Hilary A. Starks, Kristine R. Walz, Elizabeth A. Andruszkiewicz, Emily Olesin, Katherine Hubbard, Enrique Montes, Daniel Otis, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Francisco P. Chavez, Alexandria B. Boehm & Mya Breitbart. 2020. Nature Communications. 11, 254. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-14105-1.
Goodwin, Kelly Dee, Frank Edgar Muller-Karger, Anni Djurhuus , Lisa Zeigler Allen, Andrew E. Allen, John P. McCrow, and Gabrielle Canonico Hyde. 2019. Chapter 32. Molecular Approaches for an Operational Marine Biodiversity Observation Network. In: World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation, Vol. III: Ecological Issues and Environmental Impacts. 2nd Edition. Charles Sheppard (editor).
Challenges faced in implementation
The application of eDNA for broad surveys in the marine environment is promising but still has many challenges. Among these are:- Difficulty to assess abundance of organisms within particular species populations
- Inadequate databases against which to compare genetic sequences to identify taxa globally in an unequivocal manner
- Processing with different primers to more accurately detect specific groups of organisms
- Computation costs
- Limited sampling regional, globally, and especially time series
- Cost
- Coordination between different groups conducting omics / eDNA sampling (we need convergence on best practices for at least a minimum of essential variables)
Beneficiaries of standardized eDNA protocols and observations are many:
- scientists
- resource management agencies
- private sector (fisheries, environmental assessments)
At this point we are promoting the development of the community of practice that recognizes the need for standardized methods and best practices. These steps are required to positively impact beneficiaries.We ask that interested stakeholders contact the MBON leads for proper linkages.