Progress report for
Encouraging exchange of experiences and lessons learned regarding the sustainable management and use of marine and coastal resources
Achievement at a glance
The knowledge portfolio has grown to 219 blue solutions that have been identified and documented in collaboration with the implementer of the experiences, detailing successful elements (building blocks) and lessons learned. Further, they serve as a basis for training development and serve as examples in the trainings .Three regional knowledge exchange workshops were conducted for Asia/Pacific in 2014 (participants from 17 countries), for Latin America / Caribbean in 2015 (20 countries), and in Africa in 2016 (24 countries).
Solution uptake and replication was promoted in Asia (12 countries) and in Africa (2 countries) in 2018.
In addition, knowledge exchange was facilitated in workshops and conferences, e.g. at the Fourth International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC4), the Fourth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC 4), during the IUCN World Conservation Congress in 2016, the UN Ocean Conference 2017 and through side events at CBD COP 12,13 and 14, and UNFCCC COP 23 and 25.
At least 66 partner countries from 14 regions involved in 5 regional exchange workshops; events during CBD COPs 12, 13 and 14, at IMCC, IMPAC, IUCN WCC, UN Ocean Conference, UNFCCC COP 23 and 25.
All training material is available at the blue solutions website.
Practitioners, policy-makers and their advisers from different social sectors, such as government, civil society, and academia interested in sharing their experiences and learning from others' successes.
Regional knowledge exchange workshops.Promotion of solution uptake and replication.
Facilitation of knowledge exchange in workshops and conferences.