Progress report for
Sustained and integrated ocean observing and open data sharing
Achievement at a glance
The European Global Ocean Observing System, EuroGOOS, has achieved, in partnerships with other European ocean science and data networks, the four deliverables in our 2017 UN Ocean Conference commitment. In addition, we have helped to significantly advance the European efforts in the ocean observing integration and fitness for purpose, sustainability, data access and user interfaces working hand in hand with the European and international partners in the framework of the Global Ocean Observing System. Furthermore, to support the UNESCO\\\'s commitment Ocean Literacy for All (#OceanAction15187) EuroGOOS has set up an ocean literacy network. The network has surfaced a wealth of ocean literacy activities in the European publicly-funded oceanographic institutes, hydrographic agencies and met offices. This allows better dialogue among practitioners, expansion of best practice sharing, cross-fertilization and further multi-disciplinarity and diversity. EuroGOOS is preparing its 2021-2030 Strategy building on the 26 years of our organization\\\'s work and the growing partnerships and synergies, towards fully implemented ambitions of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the Global Ocean Observing System vision 2030.Beneficiaries
From the EuroGOOS member organizations, publicly-funded oceanographic institutes, hydrographic agencies and met offices in Europe, to their users and funders, to EuroGOOS regional oceanographic systems and to the Global Ocean Observing System - the beneficiaries of the EuroGOOS activities include a broad range of the users of ocean space and resources, operational oceanographic services, environmental monitoring, and broad marine and maritime communities. Our ocean literacy activities link oceanography and ocean science with the society at large in a tangible and engaging way.