Progress report for
Information Technology in Marine life for Kenya
Achievement at a glance
2019 : Participated in the Montreal Oceans Pathways Week. The #post2020 Biodiversity Conference coordinated by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), where we Presented on the success of the #Mvuvicard Pilot project and the importance of the Community based data driven process for improved community participation, easy acceptance across the board by users and regulators (goverments, security agents) and the pathways to value chain improvements and market linkages ad well as its importance to research and data for conservation efforts.2020: CAD has now partnered wth a major chinese manufacturer of handheld , rugged, waterproof Biometric and NFC card reader devices to assist in the roll out of the Mvuvicard to all fisheries areas with an integrated cloud DB and SDK. This will simplify, design, build and integration irrespective of the geographic loaction where the Mvuvicard is rlled out in Kenya or in the region.
Exploring Value chain automation and policy formulation to target Illegal. unregulated, unregistered fishing through the use on Mvuvicard Portal.
Policy Approaches to ensure data sahring does not affect users privacy or proprietary data inline with existing laws and SLA is currently under development.
Challenges faced in implementation
Changing out approach and organisation so that we can gain access to multisectoral teams and organisations. This is a complete paradigm shft and will takes 3-4 months inclusing of the necessary legal adjustments. This however does not affect the development and roll out of the various iterations of Mvuvicard.We Also had to rollout Mvuvicard 2.0 which now allows for scale to wider and more diverse regions away from what we used in the pilot phase.
Fishing communities in all areas will now be able to intall, roll out Mvuvicard and the coops will have access to their own specific data.
Employment for the youth in the use and utilisation of Mvuvicard in their home county, improved income for the coops, better data on the level and tyes of fish available per coop.
Women in the remote areas will benefits from the spill over effects of better incomes from fishing by being able to make money from ancilliary services selling wares and trading or services related to but other than fishing.
Children will benefit by stayin in school longer since they will not be needed to join in fishin activities to supplement family income as well as the families ability to purchase books for ther education.
Security and Regulatory serivces will benefit from available data and more managed fishing in the landing areas through better data availability.
- simplification of the enrollment , deployment, registration and issue of Mvuvicard as well as the eas of use of the reader devices.- vertical integration means that their is no need to use other methods or technologies to acheve additional or increamental advantages hence no disruptions or retraining.
- Value chain creations as a new iteration will impact greately on market reach and income benefits.
- Centralisation of data will assist faster information sharing and decision making.