Progress report for
Transforming Livestock Sector: Reduce emissions, accelerate the removal of ingested antibiotics from the animal food chain to reduce Agricultures contribution to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and reduce resources required for production.
Achievement at a glance
Met with the University of Wollongong and the Wollongong Antimicrobial Resistance Research Alliance on 19 July 2019 to discuss how best to inform farmers on the issue of Antimicrobial ResistanceChallenges faced in implementation
Some of the briefing needed to be adjusted. Still issues over antibiotics vs ionophores and what kind of damage can be identified. Varying opinions over ionophores.Next Steps
Continue to collect data demonstrating that those antibiotics not currently used in human health can still cause resistance to develop and are present in livestock excretions.Beneficiaries
ProAgni, University of Wollongong