Progress report for
Youth, Ocean and SDG14
Achievement at a glance
World Youth Foundation organized the International Conference on Youth, Ocean and SDG14 held in collaboration with Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO, International Youth Council, Young Environmental Movement, One Young World, Malaysian Nature Society, ASEAN Youth Organizations and AYES. \r\n\r\nThe programme provided an opportunity for all delegates to discuss, find solutions, share best practices and develop innovative projects on ocean issues pertaining to marine pollution, climate change sustainable blue economy, coral reefs, fisheries among others. \r\n\r\nYouth delegates had an opportunity to gain valuable experience on how to broaden ocean network, lead projects and campaigns, inspire their friends and community about ocean sustainability, and push their skills and ambitions to the next level. The aim was to discuss how young people can play a role in contributing to ocean conservation and take action to maintain the sustainability of maritime environment. \r\n\r\nAchievement at a Glance:\r\n- Participants found the event very useful and 100 per cent of them wanted to learn more about SDG 14\r\n- 100 per cent of the participants think that marine litter is a growing concern\r\n- Participants also liked the fact that the breakout session was very diverse, inclusive and that they had learnt new things\r\n- Participants had urged other youths to take the first step by coming up with initiatives that young people can replicate their sustainable actions.\r\n- participant found the event a great way to create partnerships with passionate youths and take action in ocean sustainability\r\n- Participants found that the platform provided a good opportunity for young people to come together and voice their thoughts about how youths can contribute towards a healthier ocean.Challenges faced in implementation
Speakers: We note that getting speakers from UNEP was difficult. Our emails were not replied and we felt that if there was some kind of representation it would have been great. \r\n\r\nFunding - as NGO this is always a challenge but we try our best to do whatever possible within our limitations. \r\n\r\nVisa - many delegates were not able to secure visa to attend the conference.Beneficiaries
The International Conference was attended by 80 young people from 18 countries and generated the following outputs and follow-up measures: \r\n\r\n Youth were educated on the importance of the ocean and gain exposure on issues relating to ocean conservation and preservation. The ultimate expected result is to embed in youth lifelong values to play an active role in conserving the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development in the spirit of UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.; \r\n\r\n\r\n Developed a Campaign on Marine Litter which they could undertake once delegates return home they can educate their local community about ocean threats and promote solutions to protect our troubles seas. This campaign has the potential to inspire others in the community to amplify our collective voice for environmental change. Other follow-up initiatives will also be conducted through beach cleanup events. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n