Progress report for
ICCA Consortium Voluntary Commitment for SDG Goal 14.5 and 14b
Achievement at a glance
Our commitment text reads: "By 2020: In collaboration with UNEP WCMC, a new international ICCA Registry is developed and includes at least thirty new and well-documented entries, including marine and coastal areas, utilizing a meticulous application of FPIC procedures." We have continued with this work and to date the WCMC ICCA Registry has 202 entries of which 23 are new, since June 2017. There are a number of ICCAs that are in the process of registering in the ICCA Registry and we are confident that the target of at least thirty will be reached by 2020. There are two other components to our commitment that we are continuing to work towards and have already had success. These are: "By 2030: ICCAs are taken into consideration and/or mentioned in international policy processes for food security (including implementation of the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Tenure and for Small Scale Fisheries)" ; and, By 2030: As a global institution, the Consortium voluntarily commits to collaborate with the CBD Secretariat, GEF SGP, UNEP WCMC, IUCN, research and advocacy organisations, and UN mechanisms promoting human and IP and LC rights.Beneficiaries
Indigenous peoples and local communities in marine, coastal and island environments and small scale fishers and fishworkers who are working to govern their local marine ecosystems for the benefit of biodiversity, livelihoods, food security and culture.