Progress report for
Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions
Achievement at a glance
UNDESA and Itaipu Binational, with support from key partners, have jointly implemented partnership activities in line with the proposed workplan. This includes the organisation of regional and global capacity building activities, the facilitation of global dialogues on water and energy interlinkages and the promotion of knowledge sharing and best practices exchange at global level. The initiative has been present at a number of intergovernmental processes, including the High-Level Political Forum, UN climate conferences (COP), the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All, the World Water Forum and the World Hydropower Congress, among other. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to provide a platform for all stakeholders to support the implementation of SDG6 and SDG7 in a holistic manner. To do so, significant efforts have been dedicated during the initial phase of the partnership to create, launch and kick-start the activities of a Global Network on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions, which was officially launched at COP24 (Katowice, December 2018). After gathering an initial set of multi-stakeholder partners, the network kick-started in the its activities through its inaugural meetings, held in Paris at the World Hydropower Congress (May 2019).Next Steps
UNDESA and Itaipu Binational, together with multi-stakeholder network members, are currently working on the following technical products, which will be launched at COP25 (2-13 Dec, Santiago, Chile):(1) A Report on best practices and lessons learned by ITAIPU on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, with dedicated case studies for each one of the 17 SDGs;
(2) A Global Report on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions addressing climate change, compiling good practices, case studies and key messages building on the work of the Global Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network;
(3) A Scoping paper for the development of an online knowledge platform in relation to water and energy interlinkages for sustainable development.
Building on these initial assessments and deliverables by the network, next stage will focus on operationalizing the Global Network.
Governments and governmental institutions at global, regional and local level, as well as global multi-stakeholders including private sector, civil society and academia, operating in the water and energy sectors in support of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.
Directly and indirectly through following key activities, among other:- Capacity building seminars to promote the exchange of experiences among government institutions and other relevant stakeholders on the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, discuss the crucial role of SDGs 6 (water), SDG7 (energy) and SDG13 (climate) for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, and develop concrete strategies to translate this knowledge into policies and programmes in their respective field of work.
- 17 case studies on the Sustainable Development Goals and their interlinkages are being prepared by Itaipu Binacional, to illustrate Itaipu’s best practices on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The case studies cover communities in both Brazil and Paraguay. A comprehensive report compiling all the case studies as well as learnings and conclusions from the development of the case studies will be launched at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25). In addition, with support from the Global Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network, a series of worldwide good examples of “Best Practices” on water-energy interlinkages have been identified and are being compiled into a Best Practices Database as well as into a Global Report on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Addressing Climate Change, to be launched at COP25 in Santiago, Chile.
- Facilitation of global dialogues on energy and water interlinkages in support of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement through partnership participation at key intergovernmental fora related to sustainable development (such as the Global 2030 Agenda-Climate Synergy Conference, the World Hydropower Congress, the Midterm Review of the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All, the High-Level Political Forum, the UN General Assembly and the Climate Change Conference), where implementing partners have advocated for the importance of a water-energy nexus approach to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.