Progress report for
Private Foundation investing in Marine Protected Areas in Brazil and related public policies
Achievement at a glance
Boticario Group Foundation (BGF) has fully achieved the 4 deliverables to which it has commited to contribute to the implementation of SDG 14. Moreover, we have exceeded the targets previously set.(i) Supporting Qualified Scientific Data Generation: We have invested in marine conservation projects through a grant making program which prioritizes projects with practical concrete results. From December 2017 to August 2019, we have donated more than U$ 1,500,000.00 to 34 different projects.
(ii) Support the creation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by promoting the link between research and policy: our Foundation financed the environmental diagnosis that supported the creation of MPAs in the oceanic islands of Trindade and Martin Vaz. In addition, in 2017 we hosted a meeting where researchers presented the results and discussed the creation of the MPAs with decision makers and other stakeholders. In March 2018 the Trindade and Martin Vaz MPAs were created, covering an area of over 40 million ha.
(iii) MPAs dedicated Symposium: BGF promoted the National Symposium of Marine Conservation where scientists, NGOs and government discussed the creation and implementation of MPAs. As a result of the event, a document was organized in partnership with the university, indicating the main challenges and possible solutions for SDG 14.5 and Aichi Goal 11 in Brazil. The Symposium was held from 31July to 02 August, as part of the IX Brazilian Congress of Protected Areas.
(iv) Expand public awareness of marine conservation and MPAs: We promoted, in partnership with IOC-UNESCO, the Ocean Connection Workshop. This was the first event of its kind in Brazil, and brought together communicators and scientists to discuss strategies for engaging the different audiences. The event took place on September 3 2019, and had approximately 350 parcipants. This commitment will be continuous and will have different communication strategies.
Scientific community, non-governamental organizations, civil society, decision makers and communicators.