Progress report for
Information Technology in Marine life for Kenya
Achievement at a glance
Blue Economy conference Nairobi Kenya 2018 showcased the mvuvicard and participated in a side event panel alongside IUCN.Exhibited the Mvuvicard concept to the participating delegates and ran an interview for the UNEP published in March 2019 describing #Mvuvicard '#SmartID as a smart solution for saving our seas and for job security and food security'.
Invited by the AU youth delegate for African Youth Organization for th Blue Economy to collaborate as well as interests by Kenyan counties in the lake basin as well as Uganada and Liberia.
We have evolved the system to be fully cloud based, easy integration and update as well as varied the dataset to carry more data points to include flora and other aspects like livestock. We look forward to more collaborations and a full rollout of both the cards and the integrated readers.
Challenges faced in implementation
Infrastructure is the main challenge, owing to the disparate grouping of interested parties, state and non-state actors, a lack of available regulation and multiple sectors across which this program works with. The progress is rapid on the technical & technological side, slow on the governance aspect. Notwithstanding whats a worthwhile project without setbacks.Beneficiaries
Rural fisherfolk, urban fish consumers and the underlying infrastructure that connects the two.