Progress report for
Enhancing the capacity of developing countries to implement their obligations under CITES for marine species
Achievement at a glance
The EU delivered the committed financial support to CITES. The capacity building programme, rolled out by the CITES Secretariat, contributes to assisting Parties to implement CITES provisions on commercially exploited CITES-listed marine species, addressing the priorities identified by the CITES parties and building on the experiences and the feedback received from the first capacity building project on sharks and rays.<br>
<br>As a result, a growing number of countries have been able to make "Non-Detriment Findings" (a precondition for trade in CITES-listed species) on marine species. Other positive developments were reported. Crucial partnerships between CITES, FAO and RFMOS/Regional Fisheries Bodies have also been strengthened through the financial support.
<br>Some of the achievements were reported at the meeting of the CITES Animals Committee in 2018 (See ) and more comprehensive update from the Secretariat is expected at CITES CoP18, in August 2019.
Challenges faced in implementation
While the EU has seen positive impacts of its commitment to date, the full extent of the impact on the capacity of developing countries to implement their obligations under CITES for marine species would take longer time than the period of the financial contribution and may also depend on various external factors. In particular, issues such as enhancing governance structures and responsibilities of government agencies, changing stakeholder perceptions and achieving synergies between fisheries and CITES communities is a longer process to be based on a solid foundation of sustained partnerships at the institutional level.Beneficiaries
CITES Parties
CITES partnerships with RFMOs and RFBs, and FAO (Fisheries and Aquaculture Department) have been encouraged<br> Country-level and (sub)regional level implementation activities for tangible outcomes have also been promoted