Progress report for
Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme): Enhancing Environmental Security
Achievement at a glance
UNEP/MAP, EBRD and the co-executing partners of the MedProgramme completed the development of the information required by the GEF to mobilize and make available the funds allocated for the Programme (46,190,000 USD). The development of the full Programme package was finalized before the agreed deadline and submitted on 29 March 2019. The work was done in full coordination with the GEF Operational Focal Points of the participating eligible countries, namely Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco and Tunisia. The MedProgramme is expected to kick star its execution by the end of 2019. By this date, the full set of activities organized in 7 Child Projects will became fully operative. This will lead to the gradual achievement of the global environment benefit committed by the MedProgramme.Challenges faced in implementation
The development of the MedProgramme took almost 24 months. The execution agencies and the 11 Countries involved prepared dozens of documents and legal agreements which set the ground for a clear definition of the activities at national and regional level, as well as their outputs and outcomes. To reach these objectives, complex administrative, financial, technical and political negotiations, discussions, workshops and consultations were done. This allowed reaching common consensus and agreements on a number of on priorities. All in all, more than 2,300 pages of data, information and analysis were developed, among them a comprehensive Gender mainstreaming and Knowledge Management Strategies. This considerable amount of knowledge and strategic thinking allowed to shape a holistic approach aiming to deploy a series of coordinated actions over the next 5 years to reduce the main causes of environmental degradation in the coastal and marine ecosystem of the Mediterranean.Beneficiaries
The MedProgramme preparation phase allowed the identification and engagement of hundreds of beneficiaries among stakeholders, national institutions and civil society. These will be involved during the MedProgramme execution and benefit from its outputs and outcomes.