Progress report for
Science to Save the Reefs: An interdisciplinary dialogue between economist and biologist to propose practical solutions against Ocean Acidification and other global stress
Achievement at a glance
In order to identify the solutions to be developed to ensure a optimal protection of reefs, the Centre Scientifique de Monaco (CSM) organized from October 2017 to 2019 two important workshops bringing together the best specialists in biology and economics of coral reefs to identify local, regional and global solutions to save reefs from programmed loss.The first event was a workshop on the economics of ocean acidification. This workshop was organized by the Centre Scientifique de Monaco (CSM) and the IAEA Environment Laboratories. A series of solutions applicable to each of the six regions studied was produced. The products issued from this Workshop were published as several brochures for Policy Makers (downloadable on and a special issue of Regional Studies of Marine Science with 9 scientific papers (including review papers on 6 reef ecoregions).
To complement the conclusions of this first workshop, a second expert workshop was organised in December 2018 by the Centre Scientifique de Monaco, the Think Tank Ocean Solutions Initiative with the financial support of the Prince Albert II, the Veolia Foundation and the Monegasque Association on Ocean Acidification. Ten experts among the world's leading specialists in the biology of coral reefs discussed during a 2-days workshop. The first conclusion made by the experts was to confirm the urgency of the situation: the reefs are changing profoundly, coral reefs are changing and have already changed. The action window is already narrow and closing more and more quickly. The second conclusion of the workshop is that limiting global warming by setting the Paris Agreement will not be enough to protect coral reefs: action must also be taken locally by developing mechanisms for the protection and adaptation of environments and of species.
The beneficiaries are mainly reef users (local populations, local residents, tourists...).