Progress report for
On My Wish List: Ocean in View
Achievement at a glance
- 2018, July: Annual Workshop sharing experiences and good practices.The phase of training on BizHumanRights strategies related to Ocean issues as embedded in UN 2030 Agenda for 10 projects is underway;
10 pioneering projects on those issues are in the phase of feasibility study;
The selection phase of 10 sites - for each of the 10 following territories, Italy, European Union, United States of America, Japan, South America, Eurasia, Asia, Middle East, Far East, Africa - for the impact of the projects will start on 2019, June;
The measurement/quantification of this impact - following the outcomes of Law for Creativity (L4C) Research - is on track: first data will be released on 2019, December.
Challenges faced in implementation
Going to first principlesBeneficiaries
- Citizens, also as consumers;
- Business entities;
- NGOs
- Raising awareness of Ocean themes within our culture;- Exercising our role and responsibility as NGO for those themes