Progress report for
Implementation of the UN Environment/MAP Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean
Achievement at a glance
The national regulatory framework related to non-single use of plastic bags and to promote Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) was carried out for Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia. Technical assistance is provided to national decision-makers and stakeholders with the aim to minimize the use of single use items.The pilot implementation of Fishing-for-Litter and Adopt-a-Beach measures (clean-up campaigns) is ongoing in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia.
Implementation of national pilots related to the better management of sea-based litter in ports and marinas in the Mediterranean are also on-going. The selection of ports and marinas is completed in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. A field visit was organized in the port of Antwerp, Belgium, in October 2018, with the participation of the beneficiary countries.
The development of the IMAP Candidate Indicator 24 Effect of marine litter on biota includes the following activities: (a) Defining the Most Representative Species for IMAP Candidate Indicator 24 Report; (b) training sessions on monitoring the amounts of marine litter ingested by or entangling marine turtles; (c) a specific protocol and capacity building activities on monitoring the effect of marine litter on sea turtles; (d) assessment of available data to propose Good Ecological Status (GES) Targets linked to the amounts of litter ingested by or entangling the sea turtles. Regional guidelines have been drafted for the implementation of the above-mentioned measures.
The Regional Cooperation Platform on Marine Litter in the Mediterranean was established. Three meetings have been organized in 2016, 2017 and 2018. Coordination among the European Regional Seas Coordination Meetings is on-going. Support is provided to the Black Sea Commission with regards to the development of an action plan and monitoring programme on marine litter for the Black Sea region.
Challenges faced in implementation
Implementation of national activities requires enhanced coordination and management efforts.Beneficiaries
Southern Mediterranean Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia
Capacity Building - Technical Workshops.Technical Assistance provided to the Countries.
Regional Meetings on Marine Litter Best Practices.