Progress report for
Capacitar a 80 autoridades policiales en temas de legislacin ambiental
Achievement at a glance
In Honduras, authorities (Prosecutor\'s Office, Police Directorate of Investigation, and General Directorate of the Merchant Navy) are transitioned to different departments or municipalities every six months in an effort to limit corruption. In an effort, to decrease illegalities in the protected areas, our goal is to train 80 authorities on environmental legislation yearly (2017-2020). Many of our authorities are not versed in environmental legislation therefore, it limits their job. Through this capacity building we seek to empower the authorities and rangers of the protected areas. \r\nIn 2017, unfortunately we were not able to conduct the training; however, other organizations conducted similar training in the Bay Islands National Marine Park (BINMP) with local authorities, technical committee of the BINMP, and other governmental offices. This training consisted on environmental law and was implemented by Coral Reef Alliance.\r\nIn 2018, in conjunction with the Institute of Forest Conservation and Development, Protected Areas and Wildlife (ICF) and the World Alliance of Environmental Law (ELAW) through funding from MAR Fund, we were able to continue with this commitment in 2018. In April 2018, training was given to the police authorities (Prosecutor\'s Office, Police Directorate of Investigation, General Directorate of the Merchant Navy etc.), by the co-managing and support organizations of the BINMP with the objective to develop technical and legal knowledge about the natural resources present in the Bay Islands and that are objects of conservation of the protected areas to strengthen the capacities to deal with environmental complaints. It was possible to train 33 police authorities on issues of environmental legislation in 2018.\r\nChallenges faced in implementation
In 2017, there were no funds to conduct the training. However, other organizations did similar trainings that year.Beneficiaries
The police authorities that receive the training (national police, municipal police, merchant marine, navy officer and rangers of the protected areas), because they improved their knowledge on issues of environmental legislation, as well as the inhabitants who live in the islands of the Bay.