Progress report for
Working through research, conservation projects, campaigns and education to improve the situation for wildlife in the worlds oceans
Achievement at a glance
OceanCare assists the finalization of the development of the certification programme for highly qualified marine mammal observers (MMOs) by the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS). The application round for the first ACCOBAMS Highly Qualified MMOs has been completed and the first three MMOs certified.<br>
<br>In 2017, OceanCare started a survey among fishermen on the east coast of Sicily about their perception of negative impacts on fisheries, interaction with non-target species such as dolphins and sea turtles, and the acceptance of marine protected areas. 34 fishermen operating mainly longlines, trawl nets, gill nets, trammel nets, and purse seines in 9 fishing ports have been interviewed so far. This survey is part of an ongoing study and not completed yet.
<br>Among the most striking results is the fact that over 60% of the interviewed fishermen think that ALDFG at sea is a problem whereas 94% replied that specific facilities in the ports to dispose old and broken fishing gear are missing. 44% of the respondents affirmed that entanglement in ALDFG happens to sea turtles and dolphins, whereas the high numbers of bycaught sea turtles indicated by some fishermen are worrisome and need to be further examined. While the interviewed fishermen admit that overfishing is the main cause for a decrease in fish landings they highlighted the fact that IUU fishing is a problem in their area
<br>OceanCare has attended the FAO/GFCM Scientific Advisory Committee in July 2018 and informed the Committee of these activities.
1. Fishermen in Sicily
<br>2. Endangered and protected species
<br>3. Marine Protected Areas
1. Assisting development certification program for highly qualified MMO<br>2. Survey of 34 fishermen in Sicily
<br>3. Presenting the results of the Fishermen Survey to the Scientific and Advisory Committee of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Sea (GFCM).