Progress report for
Mainstreaming ocean conservation and sustainable fisheries in Mexico through effective participation and citizen science.
Achievement at a glance
The National prize for Fishing and Aquaculture was added the Fisheries Law last April (see : The call for nominations was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation last October 2018 ( celebration of the First Award took place on November 27 in Mexico City ( In this prize, COBI A.C was a co-organizer in conjunction with the Executive (CONAPESCA and INAPESCA) and the Congress. Twenty-seven applications were received for the five awarded categories: rural aquaculture, commercial and industrial aquaculture, small-scale fisheries, large-scale fisheries, and fisheries and aquaculture research.
Challenges faced in implementation
Elections season delayed the process.Beneficiaries
Practitioners of sustainability, including small-scale fishers and women, cooperatives, industrial fishers, producers in small-scale and commercial aquaculture, and researchers.