Progress report for
Blue Planning in Practice: Worldwide MSP training offer to enable ecosystem-based marine and coastal planning and management
Achievement at a glance
To ensure the long-term availability, implementation and adaptation of the blue training courses, a workshop dedicated to The Art of Convening Blue Training Courses was conducted in June 2018. The workshop was jointly organized by the Blue Solutions initiative, the Mami Wata project, the MARISMA project and convened in collaboration with the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).Representatives of 15 institutions from a diverse range of civil society, NGOs, academia, national and international organizations participated in the event. The first part of the interactive workshop focused on the Blue Training Courses and both practical and strategic considerations for successfully convening and implementing them. The second part focused on the way forward and how participating organizations can potentially integrate the courses into their capacity development portfolios, while creating synergies among each other and adapting the courses to the specific needs of their target audiences.
What are the next steps? The participating institutions confirmed common interest in creating a network of capacity developing institutions and implementing and adapting the Blue Training Courses. In the upcoming months, the Blue Solutions initiative, the Mami Wata project and the MARISMA project will reach out to the participating organizations in order to jointly initiate concrete steps towards these objectives.