Progress report for
Support development of a Source to Sea Approach to land based pollution including marine litter.
Achievement at a glance
Main activities lead by the Source to Sea Secretariat during 2017 (Progress report) was:- The conceptual framework and theory of change for source-to-sea management was published as an open access article in the Water Policy journal and as a STAP Advisory Document by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). (;
- Work initiated to produce Platform publications aimed at policy makers and practitioners, building on the conceptual framework and theory of change publications. A policy brief on the Blue trinity: freshwater, oceans and climate change was developed together with AGWA ahead of the climate COP in Bonn.
- A source-to-sea webinar series was co-organized with UNEP-DHI. It had a total of 205 participants attending 5 webinars and another 266 YouTube viewers, after the date of the events.
- The S2S Platform has arranged opportunities to share knowledge and discuss S2S linkages at a number of conferences in 2017, including:
- World Water Congress, Cancn, May-June
- UN Ocean Conference, New York, June
- World Water Week, Stockholm, August
- UNFCCC COP 23, Bonn, November
- Asia Pacific Water Summit, Yangon, December
Several of these events focused on the linkages between SDGs 6 and 14. The events have provided an opportunity to draw upon the extensive resource base made available through S2S Platform members.