Progress report for
Strengthening institutional capacity and research in oceans at The University of the South Pacific
Achievement at a glance
The research fellowship at USPs- Institute of Marine Resources has started in July 2018 and is currently developing research proposals and partnerships for work in the South Pacific region. The studies will mainly focus on two SDG 14 targets: to support the sustainable management and protection of coastal and marine ecosystems (Target 14.2) and the sustainable use of marine resources particularly for coastal fisheries in Small Island developing States in the region (Target 14.7).Discussions are continuing with Marshall Islands Marine Resource Department (MIMRA) and USP-RMI on topics. Two students have been identified and are expected to start MSc in January 2019.
Monitoring of pollution (specifically micro-plastics) in Fiji is proceeding as planned. Monitoring in Marshall Islands shall commence subsequent to Masters-level recruitment in Semester I, 2019.
Second draft of course outline in physical oceanography has been submitted to USP Senate for approval.
The Micronesian Centre for Sustainable Transport (MCST) has been opened and staffed. The appointment of a Director is expected to be completed by August 2018. MCST is planning a major Sea Transport Conference in Suva November 8-10, 2018. The Knowledge Portal for the Center can be accessed at